2008. március 11., kedd

Maybe most of you have heard about that international company. The reason why I write about it because I will travel to the USA to Pennsylvania in the summer. But let's see from the beginning. Perhaps in October Balázs, Bálint and Réka said that they are want to participate in the program. They applied early... at that time I wasn't enough determined. I was thinking about hours what to do because it is a big dicision. The deadline was very close and I was convinced I couldn't get all of the papers. Two weeks later I heard they extended the deadline I was so happy and I knew that is my last chance. CCUSA accepted my application and my documents. On 2nd March we travelled to Budapest to the Camp Fair. There we could find jobs. Before the camp we decided which camp we would like to work but later we recognised it is not only depending on us. It is a long and annoying story and I don't want to bored with you. The happy thing is that all of us get a job but the boys will go to another camp, Réka and I will go to a sport camp. We will work in the camp store. I think this is the greatest job what I could get. We will have to speak in English minimum 8 hours a day so our English knowledge will improve very fast and that's my most important aim.
Our summer is going to full with job but it is also a holiday, spending time I have never been and so far from family. It will be hard for me and my family. The other thing what I have never tried is flying... approximately 11 hours long distance... I hope I will have no problems with it:)
Our job will start 8th June and end 24th August. But before that I hope that I pass the proficiency exam!
If you are interested in my camp click to the following link: www.internationalgymnastics.com

2 megjegyzés:

Hoványi Gábor írta...

Hi Dóri.

Indeed this is a great opportunity and flying will be great fun.:) I am only saying this because I travelled by plane in almost all weather conditions and nothing ever happened.

Balint írta...

It wasn't easy to decide whether it worth participating in this program or not. I was also thinking about what to do for weeks. But I believe we'll have a great time. ;)We musn't miss this oppurtunity. We can't know when we'll have chance to get to the States again.