2008. március 4., kedd


As I mentioned in my first blog I was in Zalakaros with my mother and my father. Fortunately we got there easy. When we arrived at the hotel we just said: Oh my God!!! The building was so big, beautiful and modern. It was a four star hotel. We checked in and the boots came and took our luggage to our room. The hotel has a spa building where we could have a massage, sauna, steam cabin, thermal bath, so everything what wellness includes. Of course we tried everything:)
When we went to the hotel's restaurant everybody was elegant however sometimes they behaved snobbish but I did't care about them but the most important thing was that the food was delicious. We tasted caviar, cuttle-fish and shrimps. That was the entrée. Honestly I don't really like them. I think they are tastleless. The main meal was really manifold. Saturday evening there was a live concert. Balássy Betty and Varga Feri were the two guests. The performance was amazing.
On the second day we had a massage. I had a relax massage and a man kneaded me. :) He was handsome.:)
After that we had a little trip. We went sightseeing. The town looks like a little resort centre. Really nice.
So we had a wellness weekend just two days but we had relax and we were very lazy.. I believe worth to go there!

1 megjegyzés:

Hoványi Gábor írta...

Hi Dori.

The pictures are excellent and it's a holiday worth remembering. Two days of rest and relaxation without a care in the world. I would also like to go there once.:)