2008. február 11., hétfő

Hi everybody!

I have never written a blog so this is new for me.
First of all I would like to share my weekend experince. Sunday evening me, my boyfriend and his friends went to Óbánya (this is a little village near Mecseknádasd) because there was a traditional event it is called: Firewheel-roll. It means from the top of a hill men roll down a burning straw whell. The tradition says that whither the staw whell goes and stopps at that direction that year there will be rich crop. Maybe it's true... but I don't believe that:). It was very spectacular and I liked it very much.
Maybe that's only for the first time.:) and I am looking forward to this weekend because we are going to have a wellness weekend in Zalakaros.


4 megjegyzés:

Unknown írta...

Hello, Dori: Never been to a firewheel fest like that, but it sounds like a real spectacle. Keep your blog rolling!

Barbi írta...

Hi Dori,

Welcome among the bloggers!
I've never heard about this event but it sounds very interesting. If I were there, I would enjoy it, too.

Hoványi Gábor írta...

Hello Dori,

Interesting event but a little dangerous don't you think. Were there any firemen near?

Lili írta...

Hi Dori,

The wheel rolling could be very interesting, but I'm sure that you will enjoy the weekend in Zalakaros too, because I was there 2 weeks ago, and I really liked it's relaxing atmosphere. We went in a spa hotel which had a really nice bathing place, there were saunas and massage too, and we could also hire a bike. So it's a really nice place! But remember! There is only one market in the village, which on Saturday closes at 13 o'clock, so if you want to buy something do it in the morning, because the hotels are really expensive, and there is no other place where you can find a Túró Rudi ;)! Have a nice time!